Our Services

Our services are customized to each patient according to their diagnosis, medical conditions, and personal needs.

Chiropractic & Wellness Treatments

We offer a multi-disciplinary platform of services, ensuring patients receive high quality and customized treatments.

MCW - Services Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments

A technique that aligns the structures of your bones, relieving pain and improving mobility.

Shockwave chiropractic

We’re now offering shockwave therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that helps speed up healing, break down scar tissue, and relieve pain—especially for stubborn muscle and joint issues.

MCW - Services Cranial Facial Release

Cranial Facial Release (CFR)

A facial adjusting technique that offers relief for issues such as snoring, difficulty breathing, congestion, and sinusitis.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

An effective hands-on technique that involves applying pressure into connective tissues to eliminate pain and restore motion.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Kinesiotape

Kinesio Taping

A therapeutic technique that facilitates lymphatic drainage, provides support in your muscles, and reduces pain.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Ultrasound


Promotes tissue healing by increasing blood flow, in addition to decreasing pain, stiffness, and spasms.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Very effective with soft tissue injuries, muscle spasms, and even for athletes in recovery.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - IASTM

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)

This procedure utilizes a metal tool to break down fascial restrictions, adhesions and scar tissue.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic Exercises

Physical activities that restore and build strength, endurance, mobility, and balance.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Helps relieve pain, rehabilitate sports injuries, reduce stress, and improve general wellness.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Cupping


Special cups placed on the body to create suction. Benefits include increased blood flow & muscle recovery.

Miami Chiropractic Wellness - Acupuncture


A form of alternative medicine that can treat a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin and nerves with needles.

Need an appointment?

Click on the link below, provide us with your contact information, and we will contact you shortly.

Discover the Power of Shockwave Therapy!

A cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment designed to relieve pain, speed up recovery, break down scar tissue, and stimulate collagen production.